Saturday, March 23 - at 8:30 pm
at Chabad Education Center 21560 Angela Ln, Venice, FL 34293
Megillat Esther, “The Scroll of Esther,” is a firsthand account of the events of Purim, written by the heroes themselves—Esther and Mordechai.
The Megillah is read twice in the course of the festival: on the eve of Purim, and during Purim day.
It is read in the original Hebrew from a parchment scroll.
Megillah Reading, Lechayims, and Music
Cost: Free
Sunday, March 24 - Shacharit at 8:00 am, Megillah Reading at 9:00 am
at Chabad Education Center 21560 Angela Ln, Venice, FL 34293
Megilah Reading at Aston Gardens Senior Center (public is invited)
1000 Aston Gardens Drive Venice, FL 34292 at 10:30 am
Purim Party at 4:00 pm preceded by megillah reading at 4:30pm
at Chabad Education Center 21560 Angela Ln, Venice, FL 34293