Chabad's doors are open to all, member and non-member alike. Everyone is invited and welcome to our synagogue, Hebrew school, classes and programs.
MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN 2024/25 - Jewish Year 5785
We welcome you to join our membership family. Members enjoy many valuable benefits; most importantly, the benefit of being part of a vibrant, growing Jewish community!
Includes: Yahrzeit Reminders and Birthday Cards | Name will be displayed on our Donor Wall | Listings of departed loved ones in Yiskor book | Listing in the NEW Membership Directory | A Box of Homemade Shmurah Matzah | Discount for cemetery plots | Home/Hospital Visitation/Shivah Services
$1200 Married / Family Membership | $900 Single / Single Parent Membership | $900 Snowbirds
In addition to our regular membership levels, we also offer the following higher level dues structure. If your financial situation allows for it, please consider supporting Chabad of Venice by becoming a "Chai Society Member" with a gift of $1800 and higher:
Includes: all Membership Benefits; Hand-picked book by the Rabbi; Your Name will be prominently displayed on our Donor Wall; VIP Reception at annual event. See below for level options.
Payment Options:
Please feel free to choose to make your payment by check, paypal, or credit card. You may also divide the dues into 12 payments throughout the year. You may also choose to have us bill you periodically throughout the year.
We’d love for YOUR FAMILY to become a part of OUR FAMILY!