Mission Statement
The Mission of Chabad of Venice & North Port is to improve the world through education, action, and loving kindness; to help realize a moral, G‑dly world in which honesty, integrity, a sense of meaning and purpose, respect, responsibility for one another, knowledge, security, and peace prevail.
We recognize the innate goodness in humankind and seek to inspire and empower all people to maximize their potential on life's journey - with joy, passion, and enthusiasm.
To accomplish that, we work with all denominations, cultures, and faiths and reach out to help rather than wait to be called upon.
Chabad Worldwide Mission and History:
Simply put, Chabad's mission is to reach out to others with acts of goodness and kindness. A community-based nonprofit organization whose efforts are rooted in traditional Jewish values Chabad’s many programs help the needy regardless of background or belief.
'Chabad' is a Hebrew acronym for 'Wisdom, Understanding and Knowledge. Founded in 1772 by Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, Chabad promotes the mystical, traditional, legal and social principles of the Torah — while using modern methods and technology for education, community outreach, crisis intervention, and other social services.
Chabad has consistently been at the forefront of Jewish education and community activism. The work of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the Lubavitcher Rebbe who assumed leadership of the movement in 1950, is legendary. Motivated by a profound love for humanity and spurred by boundless optimism, the Rebbe lifted the global Jewish community from the ashes of the Holocaust and launched an unprecedented range of Jewish institutions, outreach programs and social services.
Around the globe, tens of thousands of the Rebbe's emissaries, workers and volunteers continue his mission to create a world of goodness, kindness and G‑dliness. For more info click here
Chabad of Venice &North Port - Strategic Objective
Chabad of Venice & North Port is a spiritual Health Center, serving the spiritual and emotional needs of the community enabling people to tap into their own deep spiritual reservoir, or as we like to call it "awakening the spark within". We believe that in order to live a happy, meaningful, fulfilled and G‑dly life one needs to balance their physical, spiritual and emotional needs. While specializing in Spiritual health for the Jewish community we also offer programs for the non-Jewish community as well.
To accomplish its vision of awakening the spark within, Chabad of Venice & North Port provides a variety of programs and support for children and adults alike. The journey for individuals begins with a step by step process to awaken the spark within children and adults.
The steps include thought processes and exercises designed to begin their journey and continue their personal and spiritual growth.
The path includes emotional, spiritual, educational and practical steps in personal G‑dly and spiritual growth. Through the steps Jewish practices become deeply relevant, meaningful and personal as well as useful and accessible being easily incorporated into daily life.
To support the personal awakening of the spark, as well as the growth of our community, the center provides an assortment of programs for member involvement.
For adults, this includes educational and social programs, religious, and communal. The goal of these programs is to provide education, clarity, and social connection to all member of the community.
Programs for children and Youth are vitally important in building a strong, life-long foundation for growth. The primary programs for children include a Mommy & Me, Hebrew School, Hebrew High, CTeeN, Camp Gan Israel and youth lounge. The success of these programs is greatly enhanced through the dedication of our numerous volunteers and energetic staff. Along with educational programs, children have access to activities that provide social interaction with peers and the most comprehensive opportunities for development.
In conjunction with traditional services for bat/bar mitzvahs, the center offers a youth club, teen club, and a selection of camps for members. Combined with social and extracurricular programs, the educational program provides the tools necessary for all Chabad youth to experience the awakening and nurturing of the spark within.
At the heart of the Chabad, our dedicated staff are tirelessly committed to the work that enable our members and community to experience the joyful and powerful presence of our center.
Thanks to our numerous and generous supporters, Chabad of Venice & North Port is able to educate, mentor, grow, heal, comfort, and give hope to countless people searching for a rich and meaningful life.
Starting with awakening the spark in members of the surrounding Jewish communities, the Chabad mission carries forth to all people in need of insight and awakening of the spark to build a fire for their journey through life, until Moshiach is here.